For this month’s newsletter, we are highlighting another one of our new Jesuit Volunteer Corps members, Katie Babbit. Katie graduated from Carleton College in Minnesota with a BA in sociology and anthropology. After she graduated, she lived in Germany for a year. Katie loves to travel, spend time outdoors, read, and try new things. This is her first time in the PNW so she is very excited to explore.
When asked what brought her to Thrive, Katie said, “I have always been passionate about service and helping others, and I was drawn to Thrive’s values and focus on client-driven work”. Her favorite part about Thrive is connecting with so many different members of the community and the welcoming team!
A quote that is important to Katie is
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”
Thank you Katie for all that you do! We are so happy to have you a part of our team!