If you're 12 years old or older, it's your turn! We are urging all of you to get vaccinated for the health of our whole community. The mass vaccination site at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds is no longer taking first dose appointments, but there are many locations across our community that have open, free, walk-in vaccines available (see below).
Our services center on building relationship, and there is an element of relationship-building that we just aren't able to achieve over the phone! We would love to get back to meeting people in person (while still providing phone support), but we can't do that without the contribution of all of you, and our community at large.
Mosaic Medical Bend clinic:
Mosaic Medical is offering free COVID-19 vaccines to all community members age 12 and older. Walk-in or schedule to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. If you need assistance, text 458-203-1535.
Walk-in Information:
Mosaic Medical Courtney Clinic
2577 NE Courtney Dr. Ste. 100
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:30-11am and 1-2 pm
Still struggling to get through? Contact us at 541-728-1022 (please leave a message), or email at info@thrivecentraloregon.org, we are happy to help!
Other clinic options for vaccination:
Find appointments at local pharmacies: www.vaccinefinder.org
Current Mosaic Medical patients may schedule here
La Pine Community Health Center patients may schedule here.
Have questions about the vaccine, safety, or rumors you may have heard? Check out this website!